Don Tito’s Paella, a leading mobile paella service that has served South Florida for over 10 years, recently hired for a local branding strategy that included a brand new responsive website and a promotional video.
“When Don Tito’s Paella approached us, they had in place a website developed with one of those cookie cutters one-size-fits-all web platform that was totally ineffective. We built for them a modern website with security features that will enable Don Tito’s to better serve its large South Florida clientele,” said Otto Rodriguez, founder.
The new site not only showcases better Don Tito’s brand but also promotes better its services, from clearer menu options to functionalities the old website did not have, Rodriguez added. also produced a high-quality promotional video aimed at promoting Don Tito’s brand and showcasing its exquisite paellas and food service.
You can visit the website at, and watch the video here
For more information about and its digital marketing and media services, call 305-926-7987.