WebDigiMedia has launched a health podcast called “Salud al Día” to bring interesting topics on health, wellness, and medical breakthroughs to the large audience of Hispanics who live in the United States.
Available now in the Podcasts section of the Apple Store, “Salud al Día” is produced and directed by journalists Otto Rodriguez and Emilio Sanchez, who present topics of interest related to health in each episode.
The podcast is recorded periodically in Miami and has a fresh and concise format so that listeners can learn about health, wellness, and medical breakthroughs in 10 minutes or less.
“The podcast “Salud al Día” is part of a broader effort by WebDigiMedia.com to bring highly curated health-related content to a large audience of Hispanics all over the US,” said Otto Rodriguez, founder of WebDigiMedia.
“Salud al Día” complements the launch in 2018 of MiamiDadeHealth.com, health portal with health information and articles that also covers Miami-Dade County as one of the most important healthcare hubs in the United States.
Listen to “Salud al Día” on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/salud-al-d%C3%ADa/id1481921731?i=1000451841721