WebDigiMedia (webdigimedia.com), a leading digital marketing company based in Miami, Florida, has launched a travel-related digital publication called One Travel Guru (onetravelguru.com).
WebDigiMedia (webdigimedia.com) offers businesses a wide range of digital marketing solutions, from responsive websites to digital publications. Establishing a brand identity is crucial for business small and large. WebDigiMedia puts companies and small businesses on the map with responsive websites, an effective SEO, social media campaigns, promotional videos, digital publications, e-books, and media relations.
One Travel Guru (onetravelguru.com) publishes daily featured articles about travel, destinations, tips for travelers, national parks, and other tourism-related topics.
“A travel publication is something we’ve had in mind for a while and a conversation among friends sparked the beginning of the project,” said Otto Rodriguez, founder of Web Digi Media (webdigimedia.com). “Half a year into this endeavor, we already have a solid amount of interesting material published, information that is always relevant to travelers, and a healthy readership,” added Rodriguez.
Right from the outset, the publication managed to enroll outstanding journalists with decades of experience writing in the Spanish language for different media. Emilio Sanchez, Ada Méndez, and Frank Villard-López are some of them.